In this sequel to Within A Dream, Dustin is now a kindergarten teacher at an urban elementary school when Quin’s friend Madeline seeks him out. Her daughter is missing, and she feels that Dustin with his psychic talent is the only one able to find her. Reluctant at first, Dustin discovers new aspects to his abilities that allow him to connect with the missing girl. With the guidance of a supernatural ally, he uncovers clues to her whereabouts and draws closer to learning the identity of her kidnapper and the danger that threatens her.
About Cindy Huelat
Born and raised in northwestern Pennsylvania, Cindy Huelat has lived in Shreveport, LA, Rapid City, SD and Hudson, WI before settling in Loveland, CO. She and her husband Brian raised three sons and now have three grandchildren as well. Cindy enjoys hiking in the Colorado Rockies with her two dogs or boating on one of the pristine mountain lakes.
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