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Virtually Impossible

Author: Lauren Stewart
SKU: 9780990334057


Can you call it an office romance if we’ve never actually met? Sara has a kick-ass life. She has loyal friends, works from home, and sets her own hours as a virtual assistant. Perfect… Except that Sara doesn’t actually exist. She’s just a borrowed name I use when I’m hiding behind my computer screen. Because my real name – Andi Clark – has too much baggage attached to it. And pretending to be…


Can you call it an office romance if we’ve never actually met?Sara has a kick-ass life. She has loyal friends, works from home, and sets her own hours as a virtual assistant.Perfect… Except that Sara doesn’t actually exist.She’s just a borrowed name I use when I’m hiding behind my computer screen. Because my real name – Andi Clark – has too much baggage attached to it. And pretending to be someone else is the only way I can earn enough to make up for the mistake I made and the lives I ruined.If I hadn’t typed my new boss’ name into that search engine, everything would’ve stayed on track. I would’ve kept imagining Hayden looking the same as I pictured all my clients – late fifties/early sixties, a little soft around the middle, and a lot more forehead than hair. Unfortunately, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Seriously, how many VPs of billion-dollar companies look like they model underwear after leaving the office?Damn it, if I’d never found out what an amazing man Hayden is, I wouldn’t want to cry every time he calls me Sara. But hey, that’s life, right? And nobody’s life is perfect.Actually…My name is Hayden Bennet, and my life is pretty damn perfect. I’m married to a beautiful woman, live in a luxury apartment, and am prepped to take over the multi-billion-dollar company my father built.Perfect… Except all of it is a lie.My wife is madly in love with someone else, my career is meaningless, and I’ve forgotten how to live, let alone be happy.Until I hired a new online assistant, I thought life was meant to be endured. It isn’t. It’s meant to be lived. Enjoyed. And yeah, loved.Without Sara, I would’ve missed all of it. It’s crazy. I’d give up everything I have to be with her, and I still have no idea what she looks like.Unfortunately, the only way to get what I want is for a lot of good people to lose everything.*This standalone workplace romance is a modern fairytale retelling, complete with a happily ever after. Along with a lot of snark, some angst, and a very noble, very honorable alpha male. I promise – Hayden doesn’t cheat on his wife. He’s too good to hurt and disrespect a woman like that. Trust me, you’ll understand when you read the book.Now AvailableDarker Water (Once and Forever #1)Deeper Water (Once and Forever #3)Immaterial Defense (Once and Forever #4)~This highly-anticipated sequel to DARKER WATER is a standalone contemporary romance inspired by Sleeping Beauty.VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE is Hayden and Andi’s story, and this is how their fairytale begins:Once upon a time there was a woman who made the mistake of trusting the wrong man. And that mistake led to another. And another and another, each more damaging than the last. But the woman was as ignorant of her mistakes as she was of the damage they caused. Until she was punished for them.Around the same time, but in a totally separate part of the city, lived a nobleman and his beautiful wife. Though their castle was the envy of all, its empty halls echoed of loneliness and regret. For the man had lived his entire life asleep, and both of them remained silent of who they truly were and what they truly wanted.And then one day, the woman entered the man’s life and forced him to awaken…

About Lauren Stewart

Lauren Stewart grew up reading Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, James Clavell, Piers Anthony, and Agatha Christie, which explains why she can’t seem to stick to one genre at a time. She loves emoticons and hates when people speak in the third person, so…I got to the more romantic stuff pretty late, but paranormal romance was what changed me from an obsessed reader into an obsessed reader and writer. I think my writing style comes from a mash-up of all my early favorites and my new ones, women like JR Ward, Karen Marie Moning, Nalini Singh, Charlaine Harris, and Janet Evanovich. Wow, how much would you pay to be invited to that dinner party?I want to make people think, cry, and giggle, not necessarily all at the same time (although it’s great when it happens). In every one of my books, you’ll find elements of other genres – fantasy, mystery, romance, paranormal, suspense, YA, women’s literature, all with a touch of humor.Because what doesn’t kill us should make us laugh.To find me on the web, please visit:Website: www.LaurenStewartAuthor.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/LaurenStewartAuthorTwitter: @ReadLaurenSAlso, if you join my newsletter, you’ll receive exclusive series extras and a free novella. Just sayin’. http://eepurl.com/dKNgps

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Lauren Stewart


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