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SKU: 9781507038239


On the run, Dynan Telaerin’s responsibilities increase to the breaking point. Standing against fear with acts of courage make Union an intriguing study of human nature and a worthy addition to the Broken Seal series. Don’t wait to find out what’s next.

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There are no holes in space. None to hide in. None where it’s safe.The difference between living and dying is measured one instant to the next. On the run, Dynan Telaerin’s responsibilities increase to the breaking point. Even the slightest mistake could end in death for everyone he cares for.Bringing the woman of his dreams into the unrelenting danger that is his life, hardens his resolve to protect her at all cost.Betrayals come from people he has trusted nearly the whole of his life. The specter of evil haunts every thought and guides every action in the attempt to keep Loren safe. The man who would take her from him and make a terrible vision reality is stalking him……driving him onward, leading him to the envisioned slaughter. Maralt Adaeryn sees the cruel end of an ancient prophecy.And he holds a dreadful secret.Standing against fear with acts of courage make Union an intriguing study of human nature and a worthy addition to the Broken Seal series. Don’t wait to find out what’s next.

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Jolea M. Harrison


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