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The Pre-Wrath Rapture Theory Exposed as False

Author: Lyle E Cooper


When Robert Van Kampen called Marvin Rosenthal and said, “I’ve found it,” what he had really found was a huge error. In other words, the pre-wrath rapture theory was started with an error. Robert Van Kampen noticed that in Joel 2, the signs in the sun and moon would come before the Day of the Lord, and in Matthew 24, what he thought was the same sign came after the tribulation of those days. More


This is a biblical critique of the pre-wrath theory of the rapture of the church as written in Robert Van Kampen’s book, “THE RAPTURE QUESTION ANSWERED Plain and Simple.” When Robert Van Kampen called Marvin Rosenthal and said, “I’ve found it,” what he had really found was a huge error. In other words, the pre-wrath rapture theory was started with an error. Robert Van Kampen noticed that in Joel 2, the cosmic signs in the sun and moon would come before the Day of the Lord, and in Matthew 24, what he thought was the same sign came after the tribulation of those days. Therefore, in his mind, the proper sequence would be the days of great tribulation, then the signs in the sun and moon, and then the Day of the Lord. Then he imagined that the signs in the sun, moon, and stars in Matthew 24 were the same very signs as written at the 6th seal. This is pre-wrath’s first and biggest error.The truth is, these are different signs for different purposes. The sign of Joel 2, also shown at the 6th seal, will be the sun appearing black, just as it would in a total eclipse, and the moon appearing blood red, just as the moon would appear during a total eclipse. In other words, both the sun and moon must be VISIBLE for someone to recognize this sign. This is the sign of the start of the Day of the Lord. On the other hand, the sign written in Matthew 24 is the sign of the coming of our Lord, to the battle of Armageddon, and it will be the sign of total darkness. The sun, moon, and stars will be INVISIBLE. Here it is written that both the sun and moon are darkened, and the Greek word behind darkened, means, for planets, a total absence of light. In other words, the sun, the moon, and the stars are invisible. This speaks of total darkness. And this is what the 5th bowl of wrath brings in Revelation 16: total darkness. These are two different signs, for two very different purposes, and will be seen over seven years apart. The pre-wrath rapture theory must rearrange most of the book of Revelation to fit, which is a huge red flag for those that understand the Book of Revelation. If you have wondered about the pre-wrath rapture theory, or if you have taken pre-wrath theory as your end-time doctrine, this book is a must for you. It pinpoints where the pre-wrath rapture theory misses the mark according to a good exegesis of scripture. There are many areas, not just the one mentioned above.

About Lyle E Cooper

I was around 30 years old when I first heard the voice of God. I had been asking God about a certain verse in the bible for perhaps 6 months. I don’t think I missed a day in those 6 months asking Him about this verse. Suddenly one day as I began to ask Him, I heard His voice answering my question! I learned a valuable lesson then: If we are persistent, God will always answer. After all, Jesus said, “my sheep know my voice…” We all should hear His voice. I was born again when I was 7 years old, and have never changed my mind about following our Savior. I was filled with the Holy Spirit when I was 20, and would never wish to go back to life before the Holy Spirit infilling. I was not really interested in prophecy until the Holy Spirit gently pushed me into studying Revelation about 10 years ago. Once I obeyed Him, I could not read anything else for a long time. I read Daniel and Revelation many times, not trying to understand, just depositing His word in my spirit. I was determined to know nothing unless He taught me. I laid aside all preconceptions and approached Him with an empty slate.After maybe three or four years of reading, God began to speak to me about Revelation. This is how this book came about.

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Lyle E Cooper


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