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Two Hearts – One Body

SKU: 9781005458447


“I am” are very powerful words. Everything that we add to “I am” is what shapes our belief about ourselves, and our beliefs shape our reality. Gabor Maté has said something with which I find resonance: Buddha talked about how our mind shapes reality, but no one talked about how reality first shapes our minds in the early years of our lives. How does this effect our experience of motherhood?


In ancient traditions, mothers were honored and held very respected positions within society. Mothers were considered to be the roots of humanity, not only because they assured continued existence through giving birth, but also much more because of her role to nourish, protect and raise a new life beyond the physical scope. Mothers were seen as the gateways to the heavens. Pregnancy and birth were understood to be moments that connect the highest realities with the one we experience here on Earth. Mother’s milk was called “white blood”, a liquid that was holy and had powers to heal, and although we might find modern commentaries on how mothers in Egypt or Ancient Rome were breastfeeding for only six months and then gave cow’s milk, this is nothing more than deception of modern biased narrative. Pictures left on the walls by the ancients clearly indicate that children were being breastfed at least until the age of five, maybe even beyond. There are many indications that even grown people were drinking breast milk in moments where they felt weak or sick. “I am a woman/ mother”, was synonymous for femininity, fulfillment, glory, power, strength, honor, and eternity. How do we today see and experience motherhood?

About Ema Rabinowitz

Moje ime?Ako me pitaš za ono dano od strane mojih roditelja, zovem se Ema. Rođeno Bijedić. Ljudi su mi dali najrazličitija imena, od onih najljepših, pa do onih najgorih. Ko sam? To ime će mi dati Bog. Ne znam ga još. Rođena sam 1989. u gradu Sarajevu, u zemlji sevdaha, zemlji zvanoj Bosna. Ostalo su samo priče, iskustva. Šta od njih želiš znati? Prošla sam rat. Bila sam istovremeno dijete, ali i zrela žena. Kuda me je odveo život? Svuda. Selila sam se iz grada u grad, iz države u državu, da bih nekada sa tek napunjenih devetnaest napustila domovinu, otišla u svijet, u njemu se izgubila, kako bih se našla. I to nekad treba. Izgubiti se. U Njemačkoj sam počela život kao stranac, stranac sebi, a i drugima. Svaki početak je onaj najteži. Svako jutro je ono najteže. Počela sam od nikoga u želji da budem neko, a završila sam bivajući i dalje niko u želji da to i ostanem. Zar je važno biti neko? Meni bar više nije. Ne u smislu u kojem se to danas interpretira. Nakon što sam upoznala svoga muža, koji je također životni, svjetski i spiritualni putnik, napustili smo Njemačku. Sa troje djece smo preselili u Dansku, a nakon šest mjeseci smo napustili gradić Thyboron idući u pravcu Rima. Danas sam tu. Svi putevi vode u Rim? Tako kažu. Mene su odveli. Ali znam, osjećam, moje putovanje nije završilo u RImu, s njim je samo opet započelo.

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Ema Rabinowitz


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