The Palette of Words is a moving and thought-provoking poetry collection. Each of the poems opens with a one-word title, selected from the extensive palette of words in English. Poet Yuu Ikeda has crafted her reflections and feelings about each of the chosen words into a poem.Although the poems are presented alphabetically, from “Afterglow” to “Zero,” this organizing framework does not feel clumsy or artificial. Indeed, the contents of the volume flow as naturally as water in a stream or blood in the veins. Throughout the book, Ikeda’s poems glow like gems from the pages.
About Yuu Ikeda
Yuu Ikeda is a Japan based poet. She loves writing, drawing, and reading mystery novels. Her poems can be found in Nymphs, Selcouth Station Press, Sublunary Review, Remington Review, Sad Girl Review, and more. She also writes poetry on her website: Her previous poetry collection is Living in Nightmares with Few Dreams, published under the pen name D. Rose. She posts on both Twitter and Instagram under @yuunnnn77.
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