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Dividing Issues

Author: Bradley Brady
SKU: 9781393131526


Sometimes you think you’re on the same page, when you’re not even in the same story. Scott proposed to Evan on their first date. Saying ‘yes’ turned out to be the easy part. The honeymoon is over and now they have to figure out this marriage thing. Evan’s new talent management business is booming. His star turn, a drag queen with a knack for misadventure, is taking them global. A trip to…


Sometimes you think you’re on the same page, when you’re not even in the same story. Scott proposed to Evan on their first date. Saying ‘yes’ turned out to be the easy part. The honeymoon is over and now they have to figure out this marriage thing.Evan’s new talent management business is booming. His star turn, a drag queen with a knack for misadventure, is taking them global. A trip to Tinseltown promises to transform both their careers. Juggling demanding drag divas and his marital responsibilities is more challenging than he expected. Luckily for Evan, his husband is the understanding type.Scott is focused on making their dreams of starting a family come true, but babies don’t fall from the sky – or do they? The trouble with big decisions is they come with big consequences. In his eagerness to be a dad, did Scott bite off more than they can chew?As competing priorities pull the husbands in different directions, can their romance built on blind faith survive? And if something so terrible happens that you can’t even tell the one you love, will that secret be the final straw?In an age when consent, trust and credibility shape our relationships, will these Dividing Issues tear them apart, or will love overcome?

About Bradley Brady

Bradley Brady has always been one of life’s dabblers. His questionable career choices have included record store proprietor, researcher for a Member of Parliament, communications regulator and a stint at the Equality and Human Rights Commission. Seven years ago, he relocated from the UK to Los Angeles with his husband, which gave Bradley the opportunity to change careers once again and realise his dreams of becoming an author.Bradley describes his Commitment Issues novel series as “rom-com-dram-edy”, allowing him to explore his deep fascination with interpersonal relationships.

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Bradley Brady


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