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Affinecionados 6: The Periodic Table

Author: Arthur Finegan


The 6th Affinecionados book, where readers decode messages baded on the Affine Cipher. More


Have you ever wanted to experience the thrill of cracking a code or secret message but don’t have the time to develop cryptography skills? Then Affinecionados is for you!Affinecionados provides you and your family with a fun way of developing confidence with numbers and using logic to uncover a hidden message.Regular mental exercise, like that provided by Affinecionados, is known to benefit a person’s health.Each book in the Affinecionados series contains 100 messages ready for you to decode.

About Arthur Finegan

Arthur Finegan is a math teacher who wants to share the fun of math with the world. Arthur does this with his Affinecionados Puzzles, where he encodes a phrase using the Affine Cipher and challenges you to decode the message. What is the latest message he turned into a code? You’ll need to crack the code to find out!He believes solving puzzles can be thrilling, exciting and rewarding when you complete them. Everyone deserves the pleasure of successfully completing something and cracking an Affinecionados code is one way to get this pleasure.Activate your mind and begin cracking Arthur’s codes today. Your brain will thank you!

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Arthur Finegan


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