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Learning How Manifestation Works!

Author: Malisa Jhon
SKU: 9781005142810

Manifestation and Law of Attraction are not different concepts. Various people have already aware of them. Quantum Manifestation Code Review Some of them have been working on these concepts to achieve new goals while others fail to get a result from them.


Manifestation and the way to create have been briefly touched upon in this article so far. Which consists of desires, ideas, intentions, permission, trust, and most importantly belief!Everyone has desires, whether they be subconsciousness or conscious desires. Meaning that we are either aware of our desires or we are not. Those not aware of their true desires have most likely been programmed by society and follow the desires of others. Quantum Manifestation Code Review Programming of the populace has been conducted for hundreds if not thousands of years, for the purpose of steering the collective mind towards a particular outcome. The most recent forms in the last century have been via technology such as computers, televisions and radio broadcasts. Prior to this it was through newspapers and the printing press. Before the printing press it was conducted via written books. It has always been conducted through speech and the use of language. Organisations are part of this mass steering too, this includes many types of organisations such as governments, education centres, religions, businesses and secret societies to name a few. Today we have them all! Some working towards steering their followers into one particular direction, whilst others attempt to steer the collective mind of their followers into another direction. Money and selfish gains tend to be one of the largest drivers of the present agendas at play today.Manifestations start with ideas or desires. Ideas are closely related to desires, and which comes first is like the argument of ‘the chicken and the egg’. If a desire for something arises, an idea generally presents itself on how to achieve this desire. This would then be followed by an intention, which is initiating the manifestation into action and setting the end result of what one wants to achieve. If an idea is thought of first, then the desire will present itself, the want to achieve the idea. Its then up to the individual to create the intention of receiving/achieving the end outcome of the desire or idea.When you create or discover a desire that you are wanting to pursue, you then have to apply an intention of receiving this desire. By focusing on and visualizing the final outcome and how it makes you feel when you have achieved the given desire. If one cannot see the final outcome and how it will make you feel, you have failed to resonate with the frequency of the desired intention via visualization or thought form. This is essential and very much like programming a destination into an automobile’s sat-nav. The higher self doesn’t know where its going without a clearly visualized intention. Examples of this can be seen in sports, those who win gold medals have visualised the feeling and moment of receiving that gold medal prior to them winning it. In boxing, those who win often confirm that they saw the knockout long before getting in to the ring for the bout.After this, one has to now give yourself permission to achieve the desire and intention. This ties in with belief, as do all stages of manifestation. Without permission, how can you and your higher self work towards a desire. This is why it is important to have self-worth and self-respect, for a lack of self-worth and a lack of deserving, the opposite is invoked in the manifestation essentially self-sabotaging the whole process.Unfortunately, today’s society and modern competitive culture breed worthlessness, through techniques and beliefs that have evolved over time. Such as being poor, having a weak job title, body shaming, sexism, racism, hair colour and status. All is proportionally measured in some way or form, those at the top of perceived measurements gain more confidence, those at the bottom, generally the opposite. This results in all sorts of division and gives society permission to step on each other, rather than celebrate the diverse range of unique beings that we have here sharing one space.

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Malisa Jhon


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