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Red Sun in Iraq

Author: Peter Mallon
SKU: 9798215837672


“Not until he became aware of who else was a part of the US lead Allied Force, did he begin to question the narrative.”


A brutal assassination, an IRA weapons cache and a violent attack forced him into the dangerous world of private security.No stranger to violence, terrorist attacks, death, and the constant threat of becoming just another statistic. It took ten minutes of him listening to the offer; five seconds to calculate the risk-reward and one second to accept.Protecting an Allied Forces reconstruction team inside Iraq was what he expected. What he didn’t, was being tasked to assist a fully armed military patrol to execute missions that, in Doyle’s book, were breaking every international law he was aware of.After being convinced the missions were for the greater good. He travels deeper into Northern Iraq, where he’s faced with the biggest moral dilemma of his career that leaves him with only two choices; suck it up and enjoy the lucrative payday. Or take his chances trying to adjust back into society.Packed with suspense, action, intrigue and the brutal realities of conflict. Mallon’s thought-provoking debut novel takes you on a journey filled with emotions and visualisations that will force you to question the narrative.

About Peter Mallon

The youngest of two sisters and one brother, he spent his early years in a small town on the west coast of Scotland. A youth opportunity program introduced him into his working life as a painter & decorator, then store man, before serving a very short period as an apprentice welder, while trying to make it as a professional footballer.After serving thirteen years in the British Armed Forces; he re-qualified as a business manager. Shortly afterwards, he moved into the private security sector where he consulted as a security advisor across four continents. These days he travels the Mexican coastline, coaching Calisthenics and working on books three and four of the CALLI DOYLE SERIES.

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Peter Mallon


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