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The Square Mile Murder

Author: James Ward
SKU: 9781386554400


“Readers will find John Mordred to be one of the most appealing characters in fiction today.” – Publisher’s Daily. “John Mordred comes alive on the page and is a character readers will not soon forget.” – The Booklife Review. After a chance skirmish with an armed killer in central London, agent John Mordred ends up in hospital, condition critical. Six weeks and a full recovery later, he’s…


“Readers will find John Mordred to be one of the most appealing characters in fiction today.” – Publisher’s Daily.”John Mordred comes alive on the page and is a character readers will not soon forget.” – The Booklife Review.After a chance skirmish with an armed killer in central London, agent John Mordred ends up in hospital, condition critical.Six weeks and a full recovery later, he’s persuaded it’s purely a police matter, so one he should forget about.But nothing in MI7 is ever that simple. There’s more to this particular incident than meets the eye and unnamed people in high places want it investigating. They believe Mordred’s the man for the job.Add to the mix five missing IMF officials, the kidnapping of a top British financier in Venezuela, evidence of a related cover-up in Whitehall, a young and unpredictable London Lord Mayor with acute delusions of grandeur, plus – most bizarrely – persistent rumours of local UFO sightings, and things threaten to spin radically out of control.Suddenly, Mordred’s life is on the line again. And, perhaps predictably, those “unnamed persons in high places” are beginning to seem the flat opposite of friends.

About James Ward

James Ward is the author of the Tales of MI7 series, as well as two volumes of poetry, a couple of philosophical works, some general fiction and a collection of ghost stories. His awards include the Oxford University Humanities Research Centre Philosophical Dialogues Prize, The Eire Writer’s Club Short Story Award, and the ‘Staffroom Monologue’ Award. His stories and essays have appeared in Falmer, Dark Tales and Comparative Criticism. He has an MA and a DPhil, both in Philosophy from Sussex University. He currently works as a secondary school teacher, and lives in East Sussex.

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James Ward


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