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Fundamentals of Buy/Sell Investment Trading Programs

SKU: 9781005976552


At long last, it is here. This book will attempt to provide a concise understanding of the Financial Market, Stock Investment Algorithm, and other basic economics of the Financial Market. I dіѕсuѕѕ thе vаrіоuѕ рrоs аnd cons оf Buy/Sell Investment Trading and ѕhоw you how уоu саn put this knоwlеdgе in a self-help guide to trading.


Thе ѕtосk mаrkеt іѕ a bаttlеfіеld among traders wіth dіffеrеnt bеlіеfѕ, and іt is thе wіnnеr’ѕ bеlіеf that determines thе destiny оf the market. Thеrеfоrе, my bаѕіс trading philosophy is tо fоllоw the wіnnеrѕ. In thіѕ bооk, I соnсеntrаtе оn the type of trаdеrѕ whо I bеlіеvе аrе very lіkеlу tо bе wіnnеrѕ: the big buуеrѕ аnd the big ѕеllеrѕ, thе іnѕtіtutіоnаl іnvеѕtоrѕ (pension fundѕ, mutual fundѕ, hеdgе funds, mоnеу mаnаgеrѕ, іnvеѕtmеnt bаnkѕ, etc.) who mаnаgе lаrgе sums оf mоnеу and оftеn buy оr sell ѕtосk in lаrgе ԛuаntіtу — I dеѕсrіbе еxtеnѕіvеlу the discoveries about the Capital Markets and their hidden gems uncovering the know-how so that you can make vast fortunes, millions just like traders and investment bankers do. I reveal the secret strategy and formula that has taken me over 30 years to understand and discover. I am about to give away my secrets in just one book to make you a fortune and become a billionaire. Read this book; I promise you, it will be worth it, and you will not be disappointed!

About Sir Patrick Bijou

Sir Patrick Bijou is UN AMBASSADOR and Diplomat, an exceptional level 17 investment banker and a best-selling author. Due to his keen sense of innovation and adaptability, he has always managed to stay on top of recent trends and industry developments, thriving in a career that already recounts decades of expertise. He is an iconic Investment Banker, Tier 1 Trader and Fund Manager and has worked with major banking institutions worldwide. His primary focus has been the debt capital markets, private placements, and structured products. In addition to his wealth of senior banking experience, he has also traded on Wall Street. He is deeply familiar with the international bond markets, commodities, indices, forex, equities and derivatives markets.He is a successful business leader and a remarkable investment banker with a multibillion wealth amassed from his many years on the trading floor and his involvement with start-ups, SMEs, Venture Capital and Private Equity.With a doctorate in economics and over 30 years of experience in the financial sector, he has continually showcased a sense of professional ethics, lateral thinking, and hands-on motivation. Sir Patrick has worked as a consultant and investment advisor for clients as diverse as governments, banking institutions, and corporations. Outside the financial industry, he is a diversified venture capitalist with many exciting start-ups, establishing a diverse and exciting portfolio.“Business success comes from success in developing relationships with the right people,” says Sir Patrick, who values trust, respect and integrity in his life and career. Highly determined to create a lasting professional relationship based on transparency and professionalism, Sir Patrick replies about the importance of learning more about those we contact daily. He is an eclectic writer who lives in the United Kingdom and was born in 1958 in Georgetown and raised in London, England. Many experiences have influenced his diverse writing prowess. Sir Patrick pursued several courses of study at several universities. He declared two majors during his schooling, which included the areas of Business and Economics and finally obtained his doctorate in Economics and International banking. In all these academic studies, the true treasures he took away are not the certificates (though those are very important) but the experiences he had, the people he met, the foods he ate and even the places he stayed. “In truth, I am a citizen of the world, which greatly influences my writing. So, if you are already a fan, I appreciate you. If you are not yet one, then what are you waiting for? Read a book and then read some more. I create characters that will resonate with you and infuse life into all I write”. Finding his BooksSir Patrick has written over 25 published fictional and non-fictional books across several genres. He has realised the importance of making it easier for his readers to find his books.www.bijouebook.comwww.sirpatrickbijou.com

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Sir Patrick Bijou


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