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Fig Leaf Wisdom: The Garden of Eden Curse Today

Author: Dave McCaslin
SKU: 9798215115107


Fig Leaf Wisdom brings personal meaning to why individuals suffer. It attaches modern-day consequence to what is analogized in the Genesis Garden of Eden Tree of Life / Tree of Knowledge wisdom binary distinction dilemma.


Adam & Eve committed mankind’s original sin … choosing Tree of Knowledge Wisdom.Betrayal of Jehovah’s spiritual life-or-death mandate seeds Bible’s human-suffering storyline.Thus, began mankind’s ageless plight … lost in Fig Leaf WisdomFig Leaf Wisdom brings personal meaning to why individuals suffer. It attaches modern-day consequence to what is analogized in the Genesis Garden of Eden Tree of Life / Tree of Knowledge wisdom binary distinction dilemma. It scrutinizes how the borrowed wisdom individuals opt to internalize affects the nature of their mind and how the ignorance-lined wisdom they use affects their worldview and how they perceive their human experience … how they suffer and how they plan to find emotional bliss.

About Dave McCaslin

David McCaslin was raised in central Indiana and from age seven until graduating from New Castle’s only high school, he attended a local church 3 times a week with his parents and three brothers. He was the only family member who never blindly accepted Christianity’s templated claim that its god had a living presence in shaping the heartbeat of this ephemeral reality’s ever-changing present moment flash-in-time.He never took the blind leap to become a Christian.Having been raised under semi-fundamental living circumstances may have left the author with somewhat of a chip-on-the-shoulder attitude towards Christian wisdom. The insights that surfaced in writing this text has exposed and helped bring clarity to the miscued rational those fundamental beliefs are founded in, bringing him closer to realizing emotional balance.At age 21, he barely survived a car accident that left him weak and feeling quite grateful just to be alive. During recovery, out of innate curiosity and the gratitude for life itself, he wanted to consciously touch the buzz of life to intrinsically witness it in action.He intuitively felt this living force had an intrinsic connection … that this could only be done where he had the capacity to actually feel or touch life itself and that was inside his living body.At the time, he made no association between the intellectually sketched cognitive impressions left from the rather abstract religious theology’s template he was taught at church and the living message he was seeking with his self-designed sensual method for reaching this end of consciously touching the living presence of life’s essence.It took twenty-five years before, while hearing the end of a book review on an obscure internet radio station, describing how a certain strain of a spiritual discipline uses the same method he had engineered to feel the buzz of life, that he made any conscious connection between an intellectually learned and remembered religious template and its present moment sensual incarnation.Theravada Buddhism uses the act of feeling the buzz of life to self-train the mind control to develop a wisdom-enriched enlightened understanding about the nature of the ways of this impermanent reality to undo the human ignorance that causes human suffering…. Two years high school NFL debate finals, 1 year as high school tennis team captain, 16th in ’75 New Castle, Indiana High School class of 354 students… Four years Snow Ski Instructor, four years National Ski Patrol Slope Leader Long Mountain and Nashville Alps Ski Resorts… Indiana University Business Management/Administration degree, Bloomington campus… Owned restaurant, land surveying company, real estate broker/appraiser/ investor company… 6th Dan Master Tae Kwan Do … Chung Park, Grandmaster 9th Dan… Published 1st book … Hoosier Heaven… Published 2nd book … Fig Leaf Wisdom

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Dave McCaslin


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